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Product innovation

GoodSeal aims to remain at the forefront of innovation in the aseptic packaging industry, and part of its process is listening closely to market needs and its partners’ feedback and requirements. Through communication-based initiatives and with the support of its research and development department, the company designs products that meet all of its partners’ requirements while remaining highly committed to the global standards of.


Waste disposal and recycling

We strive to reduce waste resulting from the manufacturing process at GoodSeal and are committed to the proper and professional disposal of waste materials, hazardous and non-hazardous. To achieve this, we follow national regulations as well as ABMA’s and the ISO 14001’s guidelines.

Furthermore, flexible aseptic packaging automatically results in reduced product and packaging waste production when compared to rigid packaging. Next to reduced oxidation, flexible aseptic packaging results in 5-10 times lower packaging-to-product ratio than alternatives.


Health and safety

Our commitment to our employees’ health and safety is a building block of our operation, which is why we strongly adhere to the ISO 45001 occupational safety regulations and provide support, equipment, and plans where necessary to protect our people.


Environmental protection

Next to adhering to the ISO 14001’s regulations, we follow ABMA’s four-pronged less waste-higher efficiency framework to ensure our compliance with top-tier international guidelines on environmental management. We also adhere to all guidelines and mandates imposed by the Ministry of Environment in Egypt.

Additionally, and due to the lighter weight and lower volume of our aseptic flexible packaging, less energy is required for transportation and storage, and less carbon emissions are produced in comparison with rigid packaging
